


The SVM is designed to be easily ported to new hardware and OS platforms using the following steps:

  1. Add platform specific declarations to sedona.h
  2. Select the kits with native methods that you plan to support
  3. Write custom implementations for native methods where needed
  4. Write bootstrap code to start the SVM
  5. Stage the VM code and platform manifest using an XML build script
  6. Compile the C code using your platform's C compiler
  7. Run the test suite to verify a successful port


Porting to a new target platform begins with sedona.h which is located in the src/vm directory. This file is included by every native source file, and contains essential definitions required for building the native layer. It contains sections for major target platforms such as Win32, QNX, and UNIX. Each platform's section is wrapped by an #if defined() directive for the given target compiler/platform. If none of the existing sections is matched, the preprocessor will look for a file named sedona-local.h in the include path, and include its contents in place of the other target sections.

Definitions for a new platform can be added in a new #elif defined() section in sedona.h, but the modified sedona.h will then need to be updated manually if any changes are made to the public version of the file. A simpler solution is to create a local sedona-local.h file to hold the definitions for the new platform. This file will then automatically be included in the build and can be maintained separately from the core Sedona Framework distribution.

There are instructions at the top of sedona.h that describe the types and macros that must be defined for each platform, such as the ANSI C 99 integer types and macros for endianness and block sizes. Definitions for key types like Cell and SedonaVM are defined at the bottom of the file, as well as the function declarations for working with the VM.


Kits without native methods require no changes to run on a new target platform. For each kit with native methods, the existing code must first be examined to see what additional work needs to be done.

As described in the Native Methods chapter, every native method must have an appropriately-named C function that implements that method for the target platform. However some C functions are more portable across platforms than others. For example a native method like sys::Sys.copy may be written in ANSI C and shared by many or perhaps all platforms. Other methods, such as sys::Sys.ticks, almost always require a custom implementation for each hardware or OS platform.

All the native source code is organized under a directory called native in the kit directory. Native functions that are portable across all platforms should be contained in C files located directly in the native directory, one file per class using the naming convention "{kit}_{class}.c". Any native functions that are implemented separately for each platform should be located in sub-directories under native, one per platform. Code files under these directories are named using the convention "{kit}_{type}_{platform}.c". This helps avoid file name collisions.

For example, given a kit myKit with one class MyClass that has native functions, some portable and some platform-specific, the code would be organized as follows:

  +- kit.xml
  +- MyClass.sedona
  +- native/
  |    +- myKit_MyClass.c
  |    +- qnx/
  |    |    +- myKit_MyClass_qnx.c
  |    +- win32/
  |    |    +- myKit_MyClass_win32.c
  +- test/
  |    +- MyClassTest.sedona

All the source code files for the native methods are stored under the folder myKit/native. Functions that can be shared across all platforms are in the file named myKit_MyClass.c, located in the native folder. These functions should not need to be implemented again when porting to a new platform.

Source files for platform-specific implementations are located in a separate subfolder for each platform, and the platform name is appended to the source file name. When porting the kit to a new platform newPlat, simply create a new folder native/newPlat and put the native method implementations into a source file myKit_MyClass_newPlat.c under the new folder.


In addition to the native methods for each kit, the new platform port will need some native bootstrapping code to start the SVM. For sophisticated devices with an OS and a file system (such as a PC), it may be sufficient to build and run the code provided in main.c, which is located in the src/vm directory. This function can be executed from the OS command line, providing on the command line the filenames for the scode image and the app to be run. (Even with platforms that cannot support main.c, it may still be useful as a guide for writing the new bootstrap code.)

On smaller, simpler platforms, new bootstrap code will need to be written. Every platform will have a unique implementation, but at some point the SVM will need to be started by calling vmRun(SedonaVM*). (Both vmRun and the SedonaVM struct are defined in sedona.h.) Before calling vmRun, a SedonaVM struct must be created and then initialized as follows:

  1. Configure codeBaseAddr and codeSize to point to the scode image. Typically the scode is stored in a disk file or in flash memory, and loaded into RAM at this point. If so then codeBaseAddr is simply a pointer to the scode image in RAM.
  2. Configure stackBaseAddr and stackMaxSize to point to an area of RAM that can be used for the stack. Most commonly this is a static or dynamically-allocated array of the desired size.
  3. Configure args and argsLen to pass in the arguments to the Sedona Framework main method. The args pointer should reference a normal array of C null terminated strings (just like a standard C main signature).
  4. Configure a callback function for onAssertFailure. This function is generally used in test code, and is called whenever an assert condition fails. More details on using the Sedona Framework test facility may be found in the Test chapter.
  5. Configure the call function pointer to point to vmCall. This indirection provides a hook for patching a ROM based VM.
  6. Configure a pointer to the nativeTable array generated automatically during the VM code generation stage. See the Native Methods chapter for more information.

When the SedonaVM struct has been initialized, start the SVM by calling the vmRun() function and passing a pointer to the struct. If vmRun returns a non-zero value (other than ERR_HIBERNATE or ERR_YIELD, discussed below), then there is a problem. Errors in the scode image or the app will generally produce an error code defined in src/sys/Err.sedona; errors in the VM itself are usually indicated by an error code in src/vm/errorcodes.h.

Some platforms may require the Sedona VM to yield execution control to allow other tasks to run. When vmRun() returns ERR_YIELD, the application is yielding CPU control. See the Yield section for more details.

Each platform requires the implmentation of an appropriate hibernation strategy. When vmRun() returns ERR_HIBERNATE then the application has requested that the platform go into a low-power or sleep state. Awakening from this state is under the control of the device, not the Sedona Framework application. Upon awaking, call the vmResume() function to start the SVM again from where it left off. See the Hibernation section for more details.

If the VM exits normally, the global variables assertSuccesses and assertFailures will contain the number of calls to assert that passed and failed, respectively.


Once the native code has been implemented, the next step is to stage the VM and native code. This copies the relevant native source files into a single directory in order to compile them using the appropriate native toolchain.

Staging is accomplished by running sedonac with a platform definition file and specifying the output directory for the staged files. The platform definition lists all the directories containing C source files required to build the SVM for a target platform. (The platform toolchain may add additional non-Sedona files when it builds the final executable). See the platform definition section for more details and an example platform definition file.

The platform definition file supplies some basic information about the platform, then lists the kits with native code that will be supported by the VM. Kits without native methods do not need to be mentioned in the platform XML. Finally it identifies the path to each directory containing native code that will be required by the VM at runtime. This includes not only the relevant Sedona native methods implementations, but also the source for the SVM itself. (On platforms where some portion of the VM is in ROM, only the RAM-based code may need to be included here.)

Staging is performed by calling sedonac with the platform definition file, specifying the target directory via the -outDir option. For example,

sedonac platforms/src/acme/basicPlatform-win32.xml -outDir tempStageDir

This results in the following:

Wrap Up

Note that sedonac does not build the C code, it simply assembles the files together into a single directory. The C code must then be built with the appropriate toolchain for the target platform.

Neither does sedonac generate an actual PAR file for you. It will help by staging a basic .par/ directory containing the platform manifest. However, the toolchain build process will need to include steps/scripts to generate the PAR file for local and/or public use.

Once the VM executable has been built, a good next step is to run the test harness and verify the port was successful.