
Native Methods


Native methods are used to create Sedona APIs that bind to native code written in the C programming language. The following steps are used to create a native method:

  1. Native Id: Every native method is assigned a unique two byte identifier in the kit's kit.xml file
  2. Stub: Every native method is declared in the Sedona code using the native modifier
  3. Native Implementation: Native methods are implemented as functions in the C programming language
  4. Native Tables: At staging, function pointers to the native implementations are mapped into tables for dispatch by the SVM at runtime

Native Id

Every native method is assigned a two byte identifier used to dispatch a call to the proper C function. The first byte is the kitId and the second byte is the methodId. Native ids are expressed as "kitId::methodId".

Each kit that contains native methods should be assigned a unique kitId. Technically kitIds don't need to be globally unique, but they must be unique across all the kits that might be used together for a given platform. The range of kitIds from 0 to 99 is reserved for core Sedona Framework kits. Third parties should use kitIds from 100 to 255 (or contact the Sedona Framework development team). The sys kit itself is assigned the kitId of zero. Any platform service kit (i.e. a platform-specific kit containing a PlatformService subclass) can be given a kitId of 1, since there will never be more than one such kit loaded on a Sedona device at any given time.

Within a kit, every native method is assigned a unique methodId. Because the methodId is only a byte, there can be at most 255 native methods in a single kit.

The list of native ids for a kit is defined in the kit.xml file using the following XML format:

  <native qname="foo::Type1.method1" id="6::0" />
  <native qname="foo::Type1.method2" id="6::1" />
  <native qname="foo::Type2.method1" id="6::2" />

The natives element contains one or more native elements for each native method in the kit. The native element contains two required attributes: qname specifies the qualified name of the native method and id specifies the native id formatted as "kitId::methodId". In this example, the kitId for kit foo is 6, and the native method methodIds are 0, 1, and 2.


Native methods are declared like normal methods but without a method body (just like abstract methods). Native methods must be flagged with the native keyword. Native methods cannot be abstract or virtual. For example:

class Type2
  static native int add(int a, int b)
  static native void test(bool z, int i, float f)
  native float  testf(int i, float f)

The compiler will perform a series of checks upon the native ids and native stubs when compiling source code into a kit file (in the ResolveNatives step). Unless errors are detected, the native ids are written into the appropriate IR files of the kit. If any native ids are modified, you must recompile from source.

Native Implementation

The SVM is stack based. Each item on the stack is called a Cell, which is a union of int32_t, float, and void*. Unless you are running on a 64-bit processor, a Cell is 32-bits wide. The definition of Cell in sedona.h is:

typedef union
  int32_t ival;    // 32-bit signed int
  float   fval;    // 32-bit float
  void*   aval;    // address pointer

Every native method must be implemented in C as a function that takes two arguments: a SedonaVM_s pointer and a Cell pointer into the stack, and returns a Cell. (Native methods that return a long or a double require special handling, described in more detail below). The definition for SedonaVM_s is in sedona.h. The typedef for a native method pointer is:

typedef Cell (*NativeMethod)(struct SedonaVM_s* vm, Cell* params);

The method parameters are accessed from the stack via the Cell pointer params. You can manually extract the individual parameters using array indexing. If the native method is not static, then parameter 0 is always the implicit this pointer.

It is important to note that all native method implementations return a Cell value even when the Sedona signature for the method returns void. You can use the constant nullCell to return from a method that returns void. Other predefined Cell constants are trueCell, falseCell, zeroCell, oneCell, and negOneCell.

An example implementation of the foo::Type2.add method:

Cell foo_Type2_add(SedonaVM* vm, Cell* params)
  int32_t a = params[0].ival;
  int32_t b = params[1].ival;
  Cell result;

  result.ival = a+b;

  return result

An example implementation of the foo::Type2.test method:

Cell foo_Type2_test(SedonaVM* vm, Cell* params)
  int32_t z = params[0].ival;
  int32_t b = params[1].ival;
  float   f = params[2].fval;

  printf("test %d %d %f\n", z, b, f);

  return nullCell;

An example implementation of the (non-static) foo::Type2.testf method:

Cell foo_Type2_testf(SedonaVM* vm, Cell* params)
  void* this = params[0].aval;   /* 'this' pointer is implicit first element of params[] */
  int32_t b  = params[1].ival;
  float   f  = params[2].fval;
  Cell result;

  result.fval = b*f;

  printf("test %d*%f=%f\n", b, f, result.fval);

  return result;

Note in the examples above how each parameter is extracted using array indexing and the union member name. Pointers (including strings) should use the aval member, floats the fval member, and all other primitives are accessed using the ival member. Note that a Sedona bool maps into zero and non-zero for false and true respectively. Arrays of primitives are accessed like their C counterparts.

Native methods that pass or return long or double are a bit trickier. A single long or double value requires two Cells to store the full 64-bits. To access a long or double function argument requires the use of pointer casting to access two consecutive elements of the parameter array. A native method that returns a long or double should declare the return type to be int64_t instead of Cell. The following is an example - note how each long parameter actually consumes two cells of the parameter list:

native static long addTwoLongs(long a, long b)

int64_t foo_Type3_addTwoLongs(SedonaVM* vm, Cell* params)
  int64_t a = *(int64_t*)(params+0); // param 0+1
  int64_t b = *(int64_t*)(params+2); // param 2+3
  return a+b;

A summary of common mappings from Sedona to their C equivalents:

Sedona C Sedona C
bool int32_t bool[] uint8_t*
byte int32_t byte[] uint8_t*
short int32_t short[] uint16_t*
int int32_t int[] int32_t*
long int64_t long[] int64_t*
float float float[] float*
double double double[] double*
Obj void* Obj[] void**
Str uint8_t* Str[] uint8_t**

Note that strings can be used as a normal null terminated C string.

Refer to the Porting chapter for how to structure your native C code.

Native Tables

When the SVM is compiled, the SVM is bound to a lookup table for all the native methods available. This lookup table is a two level array of function pointers. The first level of the array maps to the kitIds and the second level maps to the methodIds. For example the function pointer for the native id of "2::7" would be nativeTable[2][7].

The native lookup table is automatically generated as "nativetable.c" when sedonac is used to stage a VM.

Additional Issues

The existing native method facility provides low level hooks to bind Sedona Framework APIs into the native platform. However due to its low level nature it maps fairly closely to the stack architecture of the VM. This design has the major limitation that it only works well when accessing primitives off the stack. There is currently no safe mechanism to access individual fields of an Object within a native method, as you would need to know exactly how the compiler will layout the memory (even then it would be quite brittle). In the meantime the best practice is to pass only primitives (or arrays of primitives) as parameters.

Predefined Kit Ids

The following table shows some of the currently predefined native kit ids. All PlatformService kits use a native kit id of 1.

sys 0
platform svcs 1
inet 2
serial 3
basicio 4
bacnet 5
smbus 6
spibus 7
nrio 8
datetimeStd 9